Study Reveals How Long COVID-19 Lives on Cargo

A common question in regard to received goods is whether a person is at risk…

Client Advisory Notice – Coronavirus Update 19.03.20

In light of changing coronavirus (COVID-19) regulations, Seabridge has prepared the following update. Both Australia’s…

Peru-Australia FTA Provides New Opportunities For Exporters

The Peru-Australia Free Trade Agreement entered into force on February 11, 2020. PAFTA has immediately…

IA-CEPA Ratification Latest Win in Australian Trade

The ratification of the Indonesian-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) is the...

An Overview of Key Changes in ICC Incoterms 2020

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has released Incoterms 2020. Key changes have been made…

Client Advisory Notice – Coronavirus Update 30.01.20

In response to the ongoing outbreak of novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), the Chinese Government has announced…